Birds are amazing animals, but certain ones can be bothersome too. I guess they are just like any other creature, including humans! I manage a boutique in the city, and the birds decided not long ago that they wanted to live close to the boutique building. The building is independent of any others, though there are others not far away, well within walking distance. I knew that the birds were bothersome for everyone, but I was on my own for taking care of the boutique. I went to my computer and did a search for bird control about a month ago when I opened the door and put my hand right in some of their waste material.
I scrubbed my hands for a good while, and then I looked up some information on pigeons, since they were the main culprits. I actually went and washed my hands again for a longer time after reading about how dirty they actually are. They carry so many types of diseases and pass them on not only to other animals but to humans too. They also are responsible for some viruses, which meant I had to take care of this problem sooner rather than later.
I knew I could not do this on my own, since they liked the roof. I am not afraid of heights, but I just felt too unqualified to fix this problem on my own. I did not have the expertise, the knowledge nor the materials needed for it, but the company I called in to help me did. They have over 20 years of experience in dealing with bird problems, so I gladly handed over control of the problem to them. They ended up putting a bird wire on the edges of the roof as well as making sure that any spot on the roof where they roost now made it impossible for them to do that. I still pigeons around, but they are around the other buildings now! I have passed on the contact info for the company that helped me to the other business managers in the area.
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