5 Ways to Freshen Up Your Spring Look


Bright is better. It’s time to leave the darker solids behind and wear spring colors. Spring is all about bright colors. Peach, robin blue, light yellow, light red, light purple and pink are just a few examples of good spring colors. Don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone and try something new! Remember, winter is dull and dark. Spring is bold and exciting.
Take care of your skin. Continue your existing skin care regimen or if you’ve been slacking off, get started again. Make sure you always wear sunscreen outdoors-this is the best way to look younger. Wash with facial cleanser twice a day and moisturize afterward. Exfoliate every other day and drink plenty of water.
Do some spring cleaning. Go through your closet and get rid of stuff you no longer wear (donate, don’t throw away). Try bright colors and floral patterns for spring. And of course, it soon it will be time to get out the flip-flops and open-toed shoes!
Look after your feet. You’ll be showing off a lot more of your feet soon. Make sure they get the right care before flip flop season comes around. A good pedicure will do wonders. Make sure you take care of any calluses or excess skin. And your feet shouldn’t smell!
Exercise for a better you. Last but not least, take care of yourself. Spring is a great time to restart your New Years resolution and live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise at least four times per week and eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as you can-they’re easy enough to find in the springtime. Don’t worry about losing weight to look good in a swimsuit. Work out and eat healthy for a you that’s better all-around.
Spring is all about making you happy. Shed the ho-hum feelings of winter and move on to more pleasant times. Think about traveling, learning something new or restoring old relationships. Spring is a time to start fresh in so many ways. It’s not just about how you look. How you feel inside also matters.
You should also ask others about your spring look. Ask friends and family for honest feedback about your style and habits. Do you bite your nails too much? Maybe you’re offending someone without realizing it. Use spring as an opportunity to clean and freshen up all aspects of your life. Your attitude matters just as much as your style.

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