I tried to save money by having a company install glass shower doors in my home, but this company was fairly cheap, and the work they did was terrible. I tried to get a refund from them, and they wouldn’t comply, to I had to file a complaint and look into legal action. Ultimately I was able to get my money back, but I still needed to have a glass door for my shower. This time I looked for a better company to install glass shower doors in NJ. I learned my lesson about going for the lowest price without doing any research.
The new company I found had a guarantee for their work, so if I wasn’t satisfied with the job, getting my money back wouldn’t be a hassle like with the other company. They did some measurements and made some estimates on how much it would cost to install the doors. They not only had to put new doors in, but take away the terrible installation that the previous company did. The other company basically made everything more difficult for everyone. Since I took legal action against them, other people have begun to find out about their poor work and will stray away from hiring them.
The installation done by the second company was exceptional. They did a great job and they didn’t take nearly as long as the other company to do it. I was so pleased with their work that I gave them a little extra in their payment. I showed my brother the new glass doors and he liked them so much that he wanted to have a set installed in the bathrooms in his home. Unfortunately, his wife wanted to use their savings on another home improvement project at the time, so he had to wait.